Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Global Warming

Global Warming occurs as a result of the enhanced Greenhouse Effect, and has impacts all over the planet, including the UK. and India.
Also, take a look at what has been predicted for the UK by 2080.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Adaptations to ITCZ Migration

This site discusses savanna grasslands, and how species have adapted to the movement of the ITCZ (Inter Tropical Convergence Zone). Adaptations include:
  • Xerophytic characteristics in plants to cope with dry season drought:
    - deep tap roots
    - rapid life cycling
    - waxy leaves to reduce water loss

  • Migratory instincts in grazing animals

  • Species co-operation

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Water Scarcity in the 21st Century

Water scarcity is likely to become more and more of a problem throughout the 21st century due to population growth and climate change. Global water use is already growing at twice the rate of population growth, and climate change is expected to raise the stakes, accounting for 20 percent of the global increase in water scarcity. According to the BBC, a third of the world's population lives in water-stressed countries now, but by 2025, this is expected to rise to two-thirds. Water scarcity can be classified into two categories: physically scarce or economically scarce.

Friday, November 09, 2007


Teleconnections means that weather changes at one location might be related to weather changes at other remote locations. El Nino, which are focussing on in our A2 course at the moment, links in with this idea, so why not take a look...
Also, this site has in-depth information about teleconnections, and gives examples.