Friday, June 29, 2007
Heatwaves will 'boost death rate'

This article related to the subject that we are currently studying: weather and climate. The BBC reports that there is likely to be an increasing number of deaths caused by heatwaves. The BBC also has another link on how climate change could affect our health, as reported by the Department of Health.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Torrential Rain

After yesterday's torrential rain, when a month's worth of rainfall fell in just 24 hours, devastation is widespread. As well as thousands of people being affected by the flooding, the tragedy includes three deaths; a 68-year-old man and a teenage boy died in separate incidents in Sheffield and a 28-year-old man was killed after becoming stuck in a drain in Hull. Although weather conditions are easing after severe flooding across England, hundreds of people in South Yorkshire have fled their homes amid fears a dam is about to burst after the extreme rainfall. The extent of the flooding in Yorkshire is clearly shown by these images. In Shropshire, 20 homes have been evacuated, more than 70 people have been rescued from the area and a collapsed bridge has caused the gas mains to be cut off.
The Times explains why this June has been so wet. Also reports say that it is likely that we will experience another spell of bad weather following the next few clear days.
Friday, June 22, 2007

US scientists have discovered that minerals released from the melting icebergs triggers blooms of CO2-absorbing phytoplankton according to the BBC. The findings of this interesting discovery were published in the online journal Science Express.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I have just found this fantastic website, Geohive, which contains loads of information and statistics on world population. I recommend that you take a look at the links below, especially the ones in bold, as they contain some really useful and interesting information.
- Population today (ranked)
- Population today
- Population prospects 1
- Population prospects 2
- Population by continent, region, country
- Pop. growth, life expectancy, fertility
- Population by continent
- Male/female distribution
- Urban/rural by country
- Urban/rural by continent
- Graph: urban/rural development 1950-2030
Monday, June 18, 2007
The Weather and Us

The Met Office has this interesting article on the effect of the weather on people, as does the BBC, and has some interesting ideas similar to those that we touched on in class.
Tackling Climate Change

This report explains about the G8 summit and outlines the leaders' plan to tackle climate change, and this article examines this particular aspect in more detail. The aim is to cut emission by 50% by 2050 in a new climate deal that will follow on from the Kyoto agreement.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Carbon Cycle

I found the following information on the Met Office website, which explains about the carbon cycle, which is related to climate and climate change. It simply explains about the global carbon cycle, the ocean carbon cycle and the terrestrial carbon cycle.
Climate Models

I have stumbled across this article, which explains he importance of climate change models, which you may find interesting and relevant.
Climate System

The Met Office webpage has some really useful information on the components of the climate system , on climate change and on climate change models. Well worth a look!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Europe's seas face 'bleak future'

Although it's been over two months since my last post, I'm now back to blogging again after the exams!! This interesting article highlights the dangerous human impacts on Europe's seas, including coastal development, overfishing and eutrophication.